Most UK Advisors Predict No Fee Rises From Consumer Duty
An important new regime that requires advisors and other financial firms to itemise and measure their whole value chain is going to cost money. A survey by a large UK wealth management house seeks to work out what respondents think will happen to fees.
More than half (55 per cent) of 339 financial planners in the UK surveyed by Quilter don't expect to put up fees because of costs associated with the new Consumer Duty regime, which takes effect from 31 July. However, almost a third (32 per cent) of them do expect to hike fees.
Some 9 per cent of the advisors predict fees will drop, the
survey found.
Quilter’s research, gathered by Boring Money, shows that more
directly authorised financial planners (38 per cent) are
concerned that they will need to increase their prices due to the
requirements of Consumer Duty compared with those planners
who are part of a network (22 per cent).
The Consumer Duty regime, introduced by the Financial
Conduct Authority, states that firms should provide customers
with products and services that meet their needs and offer fair
value. Customers should receive communications which they can
understand. They should get the customer support they need when
they need it. There are three broad legs to the Duty: A new
Principle for Business: the Consumer Principle which requires
firms to "act to deliver good outcomes for retail customers";
there’s a "Cross-cutting rule" setting out three overarching
behavioural expectations that apply across all areas of firm
conduct, and third, there are "Four Outcomes," which are rules
and guidance setting more detailed expectations for firms.
an editorial on the topic.)
Other findings
In its study, Quilter said the research also shows that financial
advisors may feel they have no choice but to increase fees to
maintain profitability as 44 per cent said they believed
profitability would decline as a result of having to
meet the requirements of the Consumer Duty, while only 5 per
cent said that profitability of their firm would increase.
Quilter noted that the Duty has prompted advice firms to review
their fee models to ensure that they represent fair value. As
part of this, firms are expected to understand and clearly define
their target markets to ensure that fees are suitability
structured for the services being offered.
“While for some this process will be a simple task, others will
likely recognise a need for increased flexibility to meet the
needs of their different customer segments,” the wealth
management firm said.
“Tiered advisor charging models are growing in popularity as they
allow advisors to set client fees in a flexible manner and easily
tailor their charges based on different customer segments. In
light of Consumer Duty, such models will play a key role in
ensuring advisors can offer fair value to their clients,” it
“The implementation of the Consumer Duty has provided a useful
reminder to advisors to evaluate their offerings and,
importantly, price their services accordingly for different
client segments,” Jenny Davidson, commercial proposition
director at Quilter, said.
“Increasingly, advisors are favouring a more flexible approach to
fees' models to tailor for the needs of individual clients or
client segments, and the facilitation of tiered advisor charging
on platforms is playing a significant role in this,” she