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Woodford IM To Launch New Income-Focused Fund Next Month

The fund will reside in the specialist sector in order to allow the manager the flexibility to invest more than 20 per cent in overseas shares if he sees fit.
Investment Management is set to launch a new UK-focused fund
that will aim to generate high levels of income while growing
capital and maintaining a lower long-term risk profile.
The CF Woodford Income Focus Fund will be rolled out 20 March,
subject to regulatory approval. It will aim to deliver income of
5p per share in 2018, equivalent to a yield of 5 per cent in that
calendar year on the initial launch price of £1
The fund will invest in a concentrated portfolio of market-listed
securities, Woodford Investment Management says, and will
initially focus mainly on the UK market.
The fund will be managed by Neil Woodford and will complement the
firm's equity income strategy, Woodford Investment Management
Full disclosure of the fund's portfolio and a breakdown of fees
will be provided to investors on a monthly basis. Fund-related
expenses will be accounted for in its annual management
“The level of income you can generate from an income-focused
equity portfolio today is extremely attractive in the context of
what is available from other asset classes,” said Mr
He added: “The fund will draw on my long-held investment
philosophy and reflect my investment convictions. It will have a
more concentrated portfolio, with a focus on dividend-paying
stock market-listed securities and no geographic constraints -
allowing me the flexibility to capture income from international
equities when, and if, appropriate.”