Trust Estate

US Fund Services Firm Appoints New Trustees

Tom Burroughes Group Editor 24 October 2013

US Fund Services Firm Appoints New Trustees

New York-based Gemini Fund Services, which describes itself as an “engaged partner to independent advisors” in providing pooled investment solutions, has appointed new trustees to two of its trusts.

The trusts are called Northern Lights Fund Trust I and its variable insurance trust, Northern Lights Variable Trust.

Mark Garbin, Mark Gersten and Andrew Rogers, chief executive of Gemini, have been appointed trustees of the trsts. Garbin and Gersten each have more than 30 years of experience in the investment management industry, while Rogers began his career in the mutual fund sector 22 years ago.

As CEO, Rogers oversees all of Gemini’s business lines, including fund administration, transfer agency, shareholder servicing and fund accounting.

Gemini launched NLFT I in 2006; Gemini said NLFT I’s popularity and growth prompted it to launch Northern Lights Fund Trust II in 2011 and Northern Lights Fund Trust III in 2012. The Trusts have more than 100 funds and approximately $11 billion in assets.

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