The regulation of advisers: the FCA's promises for 2014
Chris Hannant, the director-general of the UK's Association of Professional Financial Advisers, enumerates the many small victories a resourceful campaigning group can achieve in the face of the revolution in financial advice that has swept his country.
Chris Hannant, the director-general of the UK's Association of Professional Financial Advisers, enumerates the many small victories a resourceful campaigning group can achieve in the face of the revolution in financial advice that has swept his country.
As we have approached the end of 2013, APFA has been reflecting on the changes that have come over the regulatory landscape during the year. Of particular note was the arrival of a new regulator and, following the culmination of many years’ work, the implementation of the Retail Distribution Review. Some current government policy initiatives are also having an effect on the advice landscape, particularly in the pensions and long-term care arenas.
Fresh promises, planned reviews
Let us turn first to the new regulator. Since its inception in
April the Financial Conduct Authority has set out an interesting
agenda that holds out the promise of better regulation. Greater
transparency; more emphasis on markets that work rather than
rule-making; measurable performance indicators; and, not least,
better value for money. However, this has been promising talk and
little else so far. The coming year will see whether the FCA can
fulfil its promise. There are some positive signs on fees for
investment intermediaries in the FCA’s recent consultation paper,
although firms holding client money and assets may fare less
well. There is also the welcome news that the National Audit
Office is conducting a value-for-money review of the FCA –
finally imposing some much-needed scrutiny on
regulatory costs.
The implementation of the RDR at the beginning of 2013 has been
followed by much discussion about the effect it is having, both
on the industry and on consumers. There has been a sharp
reduction in the number of advisors since 2011, but APFA believes
that we have yet to see all its repercussions and it will take
some years to fully bed down. Next year will give us a better
picture of its overall effect on business as we obtain a full
year's data regarding profitability, turnover and numbers of
clients. The FCA has promised to review the RDR two years after
its starting date, so APFA is gathering evidence of its
after-effects and is thinking of ways to use this evidence to
influence the FCA’s thinking before it
commences its review.
The advisers of the future
The aim of the RDR was to improve investment advice for
consumers. In the words of the old Financial Services Authority:
"It is establishing a resilient, effective and attractive retail
investment market that consumers can have confidence in and trust
at a time when they need more help and advice than ever with
their retirement and investment planning." Now that the review is
over, higher professional standards and the elimination of
(supposed) commission bias should be reducing the risks that
consumers face. APFA therefore thinks the regulatory environment
should now be made more conducive to advisers running their
businesses. We are not suggesting a lowering of standards but we
do think that more could be done to help firms grow, develop
talent and encourage more young people to join the profession and
become the advisers of the future. In line with its new
operational 'competition' objective, i.e. that of "promoting
effective competition in the interests of consumers," in its own
words, we think the FCA should share these aims. It must
recognise that a healthy number of advisers is good for consumers
and that there are things that it can do to help this come to
The regulatory dividend and the long-stop
This is why APFA has launched its campaign for a Regulatory
Dividend. This is so-called because we feel that in return for
the sacrifices that firms are making in terms of better
professional provision of advice and lower revenues, they deserve
something back from the regulator. In short, they deserve less
scrutiny and a more 'light touch' to regulation.
The campaign is aimed at lowering the direct and indirect costs
for an advisory business but not the standards of consumer
protection. We believe the FCA could do much to help, especially
in respect of reporting, fees and the introduction of a long
stop. In ordinary law, there is a long-stop date for people's
liability for their actions but this does not apply in the world
of financial services regulation. We need to remedy this, and in
doing so we need to evolve proportionate regulatory controls that
ensure that the market for advice works well rather than
We were therefore pleased when the FCA announced that it will be
reviewing its data strategy, starting with a 'proof of concept'
in the UK retail investment market (which includes advice for
high-net-worth individuals) to demonstrate that the work is
feasible and beneficial. APFA has already spoken to the FCA about
this, emphasising the regulator's obligation to justify all the
information it collects and shared its data across its whole
organisation so that duplication does not occur.
The FCA could improve its regulatory reporting regime in a way
that makes a significant difference to firms. The short timeframe
within which firms must submit the data presents problems and
APFA has suggested that submission 13 weeks from the end of the
reporting period would be more appropriate. The frequency of
reporting is also an issue for smaller firms – annual rather than
six-monthly submissions should be sufficient for regulatory
purposes for a sector that the FCA has described as 'low risk'.
In addition, the level of information required is unnecessarily
detailed for routine collection.
Some firms have also been rather concerned this year about
proposals for changing the capital adequacy rules for personal
investment firms which were due to take effect in December 2013.
APFA raised concerns about the proposals when it met the FCA in
the summer, so September’s announcement that the FCA was
deferring implementation for two years was welcome. This delay
will allow it to undertake a more fundamental review of its
proposals and APFA will be talking to it at every step of the
A victory for common sense
News has just come in that a European Union proposal to cap the
amounts that advisers can charge for their services has been
withdrawn. The initiative formed part of a 'draft regulation on
key information documents' for investment products (Packaged
Retail Investment Products or PRIPS) that the EU's parliament was
considering. We have been pressing members of that parliament
hard to quash it, and thanks to our efforts it has now been
A cap on the amount that advisors can charge is tantamount to a
form of price-control. History has shown that this does not work.
Regulators ought to be promoting competition between financial
advisors rather than fettering it with price controls that are
bound to drive the number of advisers down. This latest
development is therefore another victory for common sense.