Tax Transparency: The Swiss Bankers' Association Discusses Progress - And More Work Ahead
This publication recently had the chance to grill the banking group about developments in a state renowned - for good or ill - for its secrecy laws, and how the picture is changing.
The following article is by Chris Hamblin, editor of Compliance Matters and Offshore Red, two sister publications to this news service. To view Compliance Matters, see here. To see Offshore Red, click here.
The Swiss Bankers' Association is the leading organisation of the
"Swiss financial centre", as the financial services industry
calls itself these days. It takes in all 283 banks in Switzerland
– large and small, local and international. In a recent
interview, Urs Kapalle of the SBA discussed the Swiss tax
transparency agenda.
Kapelle did not go as far as to say that there was not any
privacy for the holders of Swiss accounts any more, preferring to
embark on a short history of his country's surrender to the US’s
(and, later, other countries') demands to know the details of
various people's bank accounts.
The annals of capitulation
In 2009, Switzerland signed up to the standards of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for the
exchange of information on request. Article 26 of that standard
is enshrined in the double-tax treaties of the various countries
and the vast majority of Switzerland's treaties now comply with
it. It still remains to be embedded in some agreements. It
explicitly allows for group requests, i.e. this-or-that tax
authority asking for information about a group of taxpayers,
without naming them individually, as long as the requests are not
“fishing expeditions”.
In 2011 came the UK-Swiss tax agreement, which promised, in
Kapelle's phrase, "tax conformity for all British clients" of
Swiss banks. These clients were to be subject to a one-off
payment to clear past tax liabilities and/or a withholding tax on
income and gains for the future, or otherwise they had to
authorise their banks to provide details of their Swiss assets to
HM Revenue & Customs, the UK tax authority. The one-off payment
to clear tax liabilities related only to assets included in the
figure of capital used in the payment calculation. In most cases,
this was the account balance either at 31 December 2010 or 31
December 2012.
In 2013 the Alpine state joined the “Multilateral Convention on
Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters”. This, Kapalle
said, was a convention of the European Council and the OECD.
There are now 80 signatories to it.
In 2013 also, Switzerland signed up to the US Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA). The UK may have been the first to do so,
but Kapalle seemed proud to say that Switzerland was the
The following year, 2014, saw Switzerland signing up to the
OECD's "Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCAA) on
Automatic Exchange of Information". As we have mentioned
elsewhere in our pages, this had attracted 52 signatures by
November last year; the current figure is unknown.
A funny kind of secrecy
Kapalle said that "bank client secrecy" was "still in place
between the clients and the bank" and cited the continued
validity of article 47 of the Banking Act as proof. This,
according to one offshore website, provides for criminal
sanctions (imprisonment for no longer than six months or a fine
of not more than SFr50,000, or nearly $40,000) for anyone who
divulges confidential information entrusted to him or of which he
has become aware in his capacity as an officer or employee of a
bank, and against anyone who tries to induce others to violate
professional confidentiality. How this tallies with Swiss bankers
distributing people's bank account details to thousands of people
all over the world as part of the "tax
transparency" agreements is not known.
Kapalle did add that there was “no longer a tax shelter
possibility for the client”. He went on to say: "This exchange of
information [on] physical clients, it also applies to trusts
and offshore structures. The transfer of information basically
applies a look-through approach." The "look-through doctrine" in
US tax law entails “looking through” an entity which owns real
property to identify its beneficial owners.
"Each European Union bank should identify and document every
client, or should I say bank account, to see if it is reportable
under the system. The banks have a lot of information about their
customers, but not necessarily in the right format," he said,
adding that this was causing massive expenditures of time and
Automatic exchange of information
This entails prodigious amounts of identifying and documenting.
Kapalle described it as “due diligence of all accounts by
financial institutions in order to identify responsible persons
and the building of reporting systems for exchange of financial
account information with the authorities”.
What, then, is the timeline for the automatic exchange of
information? The ordinary timeline seeks to have the AEOI
“framework” (a word that Americans invariably use to mean “body
of law” and Europeans invariably use to mean “thing”, with the
British swaying from one to the other) in place by 1 January
2017, with what Kapalle called “first reportings in 2018 on
information of year 2017”. Then there is a large group of “early
adopters”, i.e. countries that want to start earlier. They want
the AEOI thing in place as of 1 January 2016 with “first
reportings in 2017 on information of year 2016”.
Questions and answers
When asked whether the compliance department at the average bank
was responsible for FATCA-related information processing and
record-keeping, Kapalle said that it varied; it was either the
compliance department or the tax department or the legal
department. He added: "Then there will be special procedures, and
there has to be a responsible officer."
Kapalle could not guess how many Swiss bank accounts the global
drive for information exchange was affecting in toto - perhaps 50
to 100 million, perhaps not. Probably 25 per cent of all accounts
were affected, he thought.
When asked if there had been “asset outflows” because of these
international initiatives, Kapelle did not say yes or no. He
added that Italy, at the start of this year, embarked on yet
another of its “voluntary disclosure programmes”, i.e. tax
amnesties. He said that Switzerland had signed an agreement with
the Italian government covering the handover of information about
Italian citizens' accounts in Swiss banks.