Northern Trust AM Opens Global ESG Strategy To Asian, European Investors
The US-based firm said that its existing strategy – open to US investors since 2015 – has already slashed carbon dioxide intensity by 64 per cent.
Trust Asset Management has launched the NT World Quality ESG
Strategy for investors in certain parts of Europe and Asia. The
strategy has been available for US investors since 2015.
The strategy seeks to efficiently target high-quality stocks and
companies with higher relative environmental, social and
governance ratings whilst defining a responsible investment
universe and managing climate change risk.
The strategy takes a “holistic view on sustainability that
incorporates both financial quality and ESG profile into security
selection,” the firm said. This approach enables investors to
access a differentiated ESG integration that not only
incorporates ESG metrics, but removes exposure to certain
lower-scoring ESG securities. It also aims to cut the carbon
footprint relative to the benchmark.
The existing strategy has cut C02 intensity by 64 per cent since
inception and cut potential emissions by 81 per cent (as at 31
March 2022).
“We believe material environmental, social and governance factors
are pre-financial indicators that can affect a company’s future
financial viability and clients’ long-term risk-adjusted
investment returns. When managed well, they can position a
company for success and when mismanaged, they can result in
significant risks,” Julie Moret, global head of sustainable
investing and stewardship at NTAM, said.
NTAM oversees more than $100 billion in sustainable investments
(as at 30 June 2022).