Handling Harassment: Rights, Wrongs For HNW Families
Intrusive and unwanted communication can be alarming and upsetting. If something feels wrong, it is prudent to assume that it may well be and to seek advice as soon as that is the case.
What happens when people are, as defined in law, harassed?
With high net worth individuals, harassment can take on new forms
when wealth is at risk. The problem highlights why privacy is
important (a fact that those who demand full transparency over
beneficial ownership and the like sometimes forget). In this
article, Philip Allen of Theseus and Andrew Fremlin-Key
of Withers explore
some of the key features and considerations of harassment.
The editors of this news service are pleased to share these
views; the usual disclaimers apply. We welcome debate and
feedback. Email
Intrusion on privacy, the disruption of personal and professional
life or threats of reputational harm for HNW families tend not to
materialise spontaneously. The intrusive and threatening
behaviour that can evolve into an overwhelming crisis for
individuals, family offices and their advisors, is frequently the
crystallisation of warning signs indicated by prior
communications/signals and contact over a long period of time.
The established indicators in offline and online communication
that can be linked to unwanted safety, welfare and reputational
outcomes are well understood. Adopting a structured and
evidence-based approach to recognising and responding to them
provides the opportunity to avoid crises and, if they do
occur, to reduce or legally contain the associated risks more
Pursuing a grievance
Unresolved complaint/dissatisfaction, for example, whether
relating to a consumer, employment or family wealth management
matter, can harden into the pursuit of grievance by unacceptable
means. Such behaviour can be highly persistent and often involves
making threats of all kinds, including legal, reputational
and (in the more serious cases) physical.
Resentment of this nature does not emerge suddenly or fully
formed. The problematic trajectory of unresolved complaints tends
to be indicated initially in declarations of intent to “continue
the fight," usually accompanied by the threat of
consequences (legal or otherwise) and reputational harms to the
family or their business, then in communication demonstrating
increased levels of anger or preoccupation. Communication may
become more profuse, accompanied by the making of unrealistic
demands for huge sums of money or public apologies, together with
threats of further escalation if these demands are not met.
How best to respond to a threat can be a delicate judgment call.
Even if a threat is actionable legally speaking (for example it
constitutes harassment as “oppressive” and “unacceptable”
conduct), it may be that legal proceedings aren't necessarily the
best immediate option.
Certainly, on the legal side, there is frequently pressure from
understandably worried clients/their advisors to take (or be seen
to take) firm action quickly with a formal legal letter. However,
whether this is advisable depends on a multitude of factors.
Discussions with the client can help ascertain a lot of useful
information to help make this call including: how the recipient
is likely respond to legal proceedings; what does the recipient
want to achieve (in the client's view); what does the client see
as their ultimate outcome; are there any areas of potential
sensitivity which the legal team/advisors need to be aware
The pursuit of unwanted relationships can lead to equally
persistent intrusion, particularly when a quest is driven by
severe mental illness. A regular feature of cases in the talent
sector, warning indicators can include prolific communication,
the tone of which is expectant rather than hopeful, the
delusional belief that one already is, or shortly will be, in a
relationship with the recipient, awareness of personal details,
and declarations of intent to turn up at a client's property or
an event which they are attending.
Reputational risk
Reputational harm can be threatened with singular focus, in that
only reputational harm is threatened, or can be accompanied by
threats of other forms of harm, such as legal, or (more often the
case) to persist with or escalate behaviour. Analysis of
Theseus's case data suggests that those cases involving a mix of
threatened harms are more likely than “pure” reputational threat
cases to result in disruption and distress for the client.
Of note, is that in both the “pure” and “mixed” reputational
threat cases, approximately one third had been carried out or
were in progress at the point of referral for assessment by
Theseus. Apart from indicating that such threats should be
taken seriously until proved otherwise, it seems that threats to
harm reputation are promises more readily kept than those
threatening other forms of harm, perhaps because it is easier to
do so, online and remote from the consequent fallout.
The signs in communication that are indicative of unwanted
outcomes apply as equally online as offline. But some aspects of
online communication can also indicate potential concern.
Social media and “Big Tech” are commercially and algorithmically
harnessed to that aspect of human nature that seeks approval and
attention. For this reason, direct rather than public messages,
are generally of more concern in risk management terms, the
sender’s motive often being more personal in nature. And, as in
the offline world, persistent declarations of intent and credible
threats to harm can also be indicative of problems
Holding back
But not all “warning lights” should be responded to immediately.
Bouts of short-term ‘intrusion’ can often follow the breakdown of
an intimate relationship. The unilateral decision to end things
can be humiliating to experience for the rejected partner and it
is natural to make attempts at reconciliation, or to discern
whether and on what grounds reconciliation might be possible.
Such attempts can feel like harassment for the person wanting to
move on with their life, but most people recognise that their
attentions are no longer wanted within a few days, or a couple of
weeks at most. It can be important to allow time for this process
to occur naturally. Reaching for the Cease and Desist too early
in such situations can compound the ignominy felt by the rejected
partner and unnecessarily encourage persistence.
This is where lawyers and behavioural experts can work in
conjunction to help HNW clients understand all of the options
available. Lawyers can advise whether the behaviour is actionable
– for example whether it constitutes blackmail (unwarranted
demand with menaces with a view to gain or with intent to cause
loss), or harassment (a course of conduct which is oppressive and
unacceptable). Any lawyer worth their salt will also advise the
client that legal proceedings (albeit sometimes
advisable/necessary) are not a quick or inexpensive option.
Before pulling the trigger, an expert risk assessment can be
informative in terms of “what happens next” and/or how the
recipient is likely to respond, taking into account their
perceived objectives, mental state and prior conduct.
Being on the receiving end of intrusive and unwanted
communication can be alarming and upsetting. And there is the one
fundamentally important “warning light” that we all possess, and
which it is important not to ignore: our gut instinct. So, if
deep-down something feels wrong, it is prudent to assume that it
may well be and to seek advice as soon as that is the case. A
holistic and considered approach to tackling these threats as
they arise can pay dividends in the long-run.
Authors: Andrew Fremlin-Key, senior associate in Withers' Media and Reputation team and Philip Allen, Director at Theseus.