Asset Management

Goldman Sachs Unveils Opportunistic Corporate Bond

Eliane Chavagnon London 4 October 2012

Goldman Sachs Unveils Opportunistic Corporate Bond

Goldman Sachs Asset Management has launched the Liberty Harbor Opportunistic Corporate Bond Portfolio in Germany.

The long-only, actively-managed fund is registered in most EU countries (including the UK), and is managed by the Liberty Harbor team, Goldman Sachs Asset Management's wholly-owned boutique asset manager. The firm said the fund seeks to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns by capitalising on inefficiencies across the corporate credit markets, while maintaining a low interest rate risk profile.

“Against the backdrop of a potentially prolonged period of low interest rates and low growth, we believe some of the most compelling investment opportunities today are in corporate credit – and that these opportunities can best be accessed through an opportunistic and flexible approach," said Sal Lentini, managing director and portfolio manager.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management managed $836 billion at end-June.


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