New Office
Financial Advisor Hirtle Callaghan Opens First Office In New York
Philadephia-area investment advisory
Hirtle Callaghan has opened its first office in New York
and hired former
Goldman Sachs executive Randall Burkert to run it.
"We’ve been referred to as ‘Wall Street idealists’ for our
unusual emphasis on both performance intensity and a genuine
fiduciary ethos," says Hirtle Callaghan's CEO <b>Jonathan
Hirtle</b>. "Where better to demonstrate that commitment
than the financial capital of the world?”
Burkert, who began his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers in
1986, joined Goldman in 1989. In 1999 he co-founded
Goldman's Global Institutional Group in 1999 and managed
it for 10 years. He played professional basketball in Argentina
in the mid 1980s.
"We have known and respected Randy for years," says Hirtle.
"Our clients and our firm will benefit from his
professionalism, integrity and experience.”
Hirtle and Donald Callaghan left Goldman in 1988 to establish
West Conshohocken, Pa.-based Hirtle Callaghan with view to
providing institutional investment products and services to
individuals, families and their associated entities. The firm
advises on about $17 billion in assets.