Coutts to Sponsor Literary Academy

London literary publisher Faber and Faber has launched the Faber
Academy, a writing and live events programme, to be sponsored by
private bank
Coutts & Co.
Patrick Keogh, Faber and Faber new business manager, said: “The
programme will have an international as well as a UK focus and is
dedicated to delivering high-quality writing courses and events
in major metropolitan centres.”
Sarah Deaves, chief executive of Coutts & Co, said: "Coutts
has a long association with the creative arts, not least by
managing the financial affairs of many great writers and poets,
but also with our arts sponsorship programme which has been in
place for over eight years now. We're looking forward to
entertaining our clients at many of the events that we will be
hosting with the Faber Academy, and are sure that we'll discover
a few hidden talents on the way."
The Academy will run the first of its creative writing courses
this October in Paris and London with plans for courses in
metropolitan cities around the world, including Dublin,
Edinburgh, Rome, Barcelona and Berlin.
Former Faber and Faber head Lord [Matthew] Evans recently became
chairman of
EFG Private Bank.