Avaloq Joins Forces With Portfolio Analysis House
Avaloq has joined forces with IBO, a firm that seeks, its managers say, to provide unbiased data on how well or not portfolios perform and whether they adhere to clients' risk profiles.
Banking and wealth management software and technology firm
Avaloq has partnered
with with IBO, another Switzerland-headquartered firm, to rank
how well portfolios perform.
IBO, aka Investment By
Objectives, has built the IBO Performance Watcher offering,
through which banks and their clients can compare portfolios
one-to-one, and understand how their portfolio performs in
comparison to portfolios of other wealth managers. (This publication
interviewed IBO about its business model, which the firm
claims does not suffer from pressure to produce flattering
reports and is free from conflicts of interest.)
“With consumers being finely attuned to issues around the
financial industry, banks are looking for ways to demonstrate
commitment to their clients - with the right products, by
portraying professionalism, and especially through increased
transparency,” Francisco Fernandez, Avaloq’s Group chief
executive, said.
There is a trend, Avaloq said, of allowing users to compare
portfolio performance against similar clients with identical risk
profiles to facilitate improved risk monitoring and greater
insight into portfolio performance.
IBO's software allows clients and advisors to assess portfolio
returns and takes a client’s risk appetite into account.
"Due to various negative events, trust - the ultimate glue of
successful business relationships - in the financial industry
began to crumble. Crucially, providing the ability to assess the
performance and risk of portfolios not only benefits the bank
customer, but also the bank itself,” Marc Lussy, head of business
development and Digital Marketing at IBO, said.