News, Comment & Analysis results for BofA Merrill Lynch
Investors Increasingly Fret Over Global Economy, Markets
Global investor angst grew this month, a survey has found. ...
Year Ends On A Positive Note For Investors - BAML Poll
The latest fund manager poll paints a rosy outlook among investors in December, wrapping up what...
Investors Continue To Shy Away From Risk, Rally Around Cash – BAML Poll
The average cash balance held by investors has reverted to levels seen in the immediate aftermath...
Cash Remains In Favour As Investors Flag Stocks, Bonds As Overvalued – BAML Poll
Though investors remain conservative, optimism about the macro environment has rebounded to...
Investors Less Bearish As Economic Growth Outlook Brightens – BofAML Poll
Investors may be more optimistic this month but they still fear for the future of the European...
Cash Is King As Investors Bearish On Stocks – BofA Merrill Lynch Poll
The global fund manager poll reveals investors are feeling conservative, sticking with cash and...
Investors Hike Up Cash Levels – BoA Merrill Lynch Poll
Cash has continued to reign this month, with “Brexit” risk remaining at the forefront of fund...
Fund Managers Brace For A “Summer Of Shocks” – BoA Merrill Lynch Poll
Investors continue to favour cash amid concerns of the UK's referendum on EU membership and a...
Investors Shrink Cash Holdings, Rally Around Commodities – Global Survey
Average cash balances dipped this month as investors trimmed their “extreme” regional views,...
Cash Is King As Fund Managers' Expectations Sink – Global Survey
The hike in cash holdings in February came as investors cast a cautious eye on the US economy,...