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JP Morgan Launches Emerging Markets Income Fund
Sandra Kilhof
4 November 2013
has launched an emerging markets
fund, the Total Emerging Markets Income Fund, which combines investments in
debt and equity with JPMorgan Funds. The Luxembourg-domiciled fund will be co-managed by Richard Titherington, chief investment
officer of emerging market equities and Pierre-Yves Bareau, chief investment
officer of emerging markets debt. The two CIOs each have more than 25 years of
investment experience and are supported by a team of more than 75 investment
professionals across the globe, the firm said in a statement. “Broadening the emerging markets opportunity set to
incorporate both equity and debt has the potential to provide strong
risk-adjusted returns and a stable source of income. Combining debt and equity
exposure can offer diversification,” said Titherington. The fund will employ strategic asset allocation and active
risk management through currency overlay and liquidity assessment, as well as top-down
and bottom-up insights on security selection. The fund will target 6 per cent
gross yield.