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Stephenson Harwood's James Quarmby Joins WealthBriefing's Editorial Board

Editorial Staff

5 March 2024

From Tom Burroughes, Group Editor:

I am delighted to announce that James Quarmby, who is one of the top partners and private wealth head at in the UK, has joined our editorial board. I look forward to gaining his input on many of the topics we write about at WealthBriefing.

James has won awards from WealthBriefing and other organisations. I have also interviewed him for our WealthTalk video channel – for example on the topic of non-doms and political changes that may come. 

He advises on UK and international taxation, residency and domicile, offshore pensions and trusts, asset protection, succession planning and HMRC disputes.

No stranger to the media, James frequently appears in the press and broadcast media (Sky News, BBC TV News, BBC Radios 2, 3, 4, and 5, Bloomberg TV, and the BBC World Service). He writes and lectures widely on tax policy. 

As well as being a solicitor, regulated by the SRA, James is a Registered Tax Technician, regulated by the Association of Tax Technicians (ATT). He is an active member of STEP and a contributing editor for Lexis/Nexis.

As ever, to engage with the editorial team at this news service, with comments and feedback, email me at