Impose Global Minimum Tax On Rich People, Group Says

The proposals designed, so their authors say, to thwart evasion and forms of avoidance, raise questions about a possible challenge to political and legal sovereignty of specific countries. A question is that if the super-rich can avoid tax on a major scale, it could weaken support for capitalism.
An institute that tracks and comments on tax policy argues that a
global minimum tax should be imposed on the world’s richest
people to curb tax evasion and forms of avoidance, mirroring the
drive by the Biden administration for a minimum corporate tax of
15 per cent.
The call, which comes from the EU Tax Observatory, is made in a
91-page report which said that while certain types of tax evasion
have been hit via tax information sharing between countries,
amnesties and other measures, billions of dollars still leak into
low/no-tax jurisdictions.
A key proposal is to institute a "global minimum tax on
billionaires, equal to 2 per cent of their wealth,” an executive
summary of the report said. The EU-funded organisation said the
report will raise almost $250 billon from fewer than 3,000
individuals per year: “A strengthened global minimum tax on
multinational companies, free of loopholes, would raise an
additional $250 billion per year.”
Such a demand is unlikely to be popular with some in offshore or
even certain onshore jurisdictions where a move to impose minimum
global taxes is a serious erosion, so it would be argued,
of political and legal autonomy. An objection will also be
that tax
competition between countries to attract capital and
entrepreneurs constrains the ability of otherwise tax-and-spend
policies that generally damage growth. In the past, calls for
minimum global taxes have been likened by groups such as the
Washington DC-based think tank, the CATO Institute, to the
creation of a global “cartel” that will stymie growth and
encourage attacks on wealth and enterprise. Against that argument
is the claim – as made by this new report – that without some
kind of global pact, democratically elected governments are
powerless to enforce tax fairness and pay for public
In the introduction to the report, Columbia University economics
professor and Nobel Laureate, Joseph Stiglitz, said: “Tackling
tax evasion and harmful tax competition are particularly
essential in the current context. The coronavirus crisis exposed
and exacerbated the global inequality crisis. The unfolding
climate crisis will require unprecedented public efforts and
investments. So many people struggle to make ends meet yet pay
the taxes their governments ask of them. We need to make sure
those at the top of the income ladder who certainly have the
financial means don’t wriggle out of them.”
Hundreds of billions
The EU Tax Observatory report said: “to give a sense of the
magnitudes involved, recent studies estimate that developing
countries need $500 billion annually in additional public revenue
to address the challenges of climate change.”
“A key message of this report is that tax evasion is not a law of
nature but a policy choice. As interconnected nations we can
choose free-for-all policies that allow it to fester, or we can
choose coordination to curb it. It is also possible to make major
progress through unilateral action, should ambitious global
agreement fail,” it said.
“Before 2013 [when intergovernmental tax information sharing
deals kicked in], households owned the equivalent of 10 per cent
of world GDP in financial wealth in tax havens globally, the bulk
of which was undeclared to tax authorities and belonged to high
net worth individuals. Today there is still the equivalent of 10
per cent of world GDP in offshore household financial wealth, but
in our central scenario only about 25 per cent of it evades
taxation. This reduction in non-compliance is a major success
that shows that rapid progress can be made against tax evasion if
there is the political will to do so,” it said.
The reference in the report to the need to raise hundreds of
billions of revenues for policies such as Net Zero, show how
energy transition, as well as the rising costs of an ageing
population in many nations, are putting public finances under
strain, adding to the aftershocks of the pandemic and the 2008
financial crisis.
In Europe and North America there have been calls for a wealth
tax on the rich, although critics say these taxes can be
expensive to collect, intrusive of privacy and destructive of
capital, which is ultimately a drag on economic growth. In
most cases where such levies were imposed (Sweden and France, for
example), they have been repealed, although not in all
In the UK, the opposition Labour Party, which is far ahead of the
ruling Conservative Party in the opinion polls, has called to end
the UK’s resident nom-domiciled
tax system that is used by foreign-born high net worth
individuals. As the political landscape has changed, the number
of such “non-doms” has shrunk.
States such as New York and California have
gone after the use of out-of-state trusts as a way
of discouraging local taxpayers from trying to shelter
income and wealth, a situation that has become more acute as more
Democrat-leaning states have raised taxes, and lost the former
deductibility of state and local tax from federal taxes.
One of the EU Tax Observer’s missions, it says on its website, is
“to promote a democratic, inclusive, and pluralistic debate on
the future of taxation by fostering dialogue between the
scientific community, civil society, and policymakers in the
European Union and worldwide.” It is co-founded by the European
Union and, according to its website, partners with groups
such as the Finnish Centre of Excellence In Tax Systems Research,
DIW Berlin, Center for Economic Behavior & Inequality,
Skatteforsk Centre For Tax Research, University of Copenhagen and
Paris School of Economics, and World Inequality Lab. The
organisation says it is co-funded by the European Union.
(Editor's view: My initial reaction to this sort of report is scepticism, but I do understand that some people believe that the wealthiest individuals appear to be able to avoid taxes on a major scale – a claim that is contested.
What seems to be particularly challenging is agreeing on global minimums for tax when this is a core concern for national legislatures. Agreeing not to reduce tax below a certain amount looks undemocratic – it looks like a "cartel." Emerging market countries, for example, might want to set low taxes to encourage capital inflows. There is also the point that, in a world where more financial transactions are digital, and where bank secrecy has gone, as in Switzerland for international purposes, there are fewer hiding places anyway.
Even so, there are concerns that perceptions of unequal treatment and unfairness matter. For example, the writer Adrian Wooldridge's argument is that if we want the free enterprise system to flourish, people need to believe that the basic rules are fair. Much political populism has been fuelled by a belief that the rules are anything but.)