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What's New In Investments, Funds? - Schroders Personal Wealth
The latest in funds and investment news from across the world.
Personal Wealth, the Schroders/Lloyds Banking Group joint
venture, has launched a range of portfolio funds with a range of
risk-return profiles.
The six portfolios are SPW Cautious Portfolio, SPW Discovery
Portfolio, SPW Balanced Portfolio, SPW Progressive Portfolio, SPW
Dynamic Portfolio and SPW Adventurous Portfolio.
The funds mainly invest in Schroders funds, along with some third
party funds. There will be a capped ongoing charge figure of 0.65
per cent.
“These are the first portfolio funds that we have launched within
our new ACD so this is an exciting milestone for the company and
a significant step on our journey towards becoming a top
financial planning business in the UK,” Marcus Brookes, chief
investment officer at Schroders Personal Wealth, said. ("ACD"
refers to Authorised Corporate Director, which was launched last