White Papers
Swiss Banks Need To Get Seriously Industrialised - SFI White Paper
What could and should Swiss banks do to remain competitive and efficient? The Swiss Finance Institute has brought out a white paper that considers the challenges.
Swiss bank should consider how to “industrialise” to become more
efficient and serve clients more effectively at a time when the
sector is under relentless competitive pressure, according to a
white paper issued by the Swiss Finance
The SFI’s paper, called Industrialising Swiss Private Banks:
A Strategic Road Map, by Pascal Gantenbein Kristof
Trautwein, also sets out 10 recommendations to banks, arguing
that at present, only a few of those surveyed have completely
revised or industrialised their value chains (front, middle and
back office). Almost no banks have a cost/income ratio below 70
per cent, the paper said.
The report challenges the notion that it is vital for banks to
reach a certain size – “critical mass” – to be profitable – an
issue sometimes driving merger and acquisition activity among
Swiss and other banks. If banks “industrialise”, the SFI said,
critical mass is not so important. “Where large banks can gain
scalability while maintaining a larger service offering and more
locations, smaller banks can reduce complexity by offering a
clear and leaner business model and, as a consequence, a clear
and leaner operational setup,” it said.
Banks in the Alpine state have seen the loss of decades-old
account secrecy laws, removing one old competitive advantage and
forcing financial firms to provide more value-added features to
compete with rival hubs such as Singapore. There have been a
number of merger and acquisition deals and the total number of
banks in Switzerland, once over the 300 mark, now stands at 266
(as at the end of 2015, according to the Swiss Bankers
Association). The arrival of fintech models such as "robo"
advisors also creates competitive challenges for traditional
Those banks which have specialised business models have
industrialised the most, the SFI report finds.
The banking industry is in the early stages of analysing data on
how efficient it is, and this seems to apply to large and
small players. “Not one single bank measures its progress with
regard to industrialisation accurately,” the report said.
Defining what it means by industrialisation, the SFI report says:
“A broad structural transformation and simplification of internal
processes and procedures, such as the reduction of vertical
“Adding new processes to the highly complex existing ones makes
banks inefficient and leads to a heavy burden from the cost side,
especially if accompanied by low margins. This situation is more
critical still, since banking is becoming even more complex due
to the influence of new competitors, increasing regulation, and a
higher level of interconnectivity in banking functions. External
service providers will take over more banking services; and
within the bank, front-to-back services will increase in numbers,
while the function of the client relationship manager will
change, moving toward the sharing of tailor-made information with
clients. Hence, banks need to undergo radical change, with
industrialisation as its foundation,” the report said.
(To see a related article about the future of Swiss private
click here.)