Client Affairs
Suits You, Sir - How Wealth Managers Must Approach "Suitability" In Future
The need to ensure that investments are suitable for clients continues to be as important as ever, as perhaps the recently closed property funds and the Neil Woodford saga in the UK have shown. This article looks at how wealth managers stay on their toes and on the right side of the regulators.
After the 2008 financial crisis regulators clamped
down on what was seen as an overly aggressive sales culture,
perhaps feeling sheepish after certain financial products blew up
and claims of mis-selling mushroomed. The word “suitability” was
bandied about. The UK regulator sent “Dear CEO” letters to wealth
executives reminding them to tighten up their act. The arrival in
2013 (was it really that long ago?) of the UK’s Retail
Distribution Review series of reforms to how financial advice is
provided was designed to tighten the screws. And the European
Union’s MiFID II reform package, taking effect two years ago, was
also designed to make financial advice and dealing more
transparent and accountable. A lot of work is being done by
regulators to explore how the insights of behavioural finance can
give advisors a better handle on what is most “suitable” for
clients. (We
have written about this earlier in the year.) But problems
remain - arguably the Neil
Woodford fund saga is a reminder that what might appear
"suitable" for some investors, is not.
To explore some of these issues further is Lee Garf, general
manager at
NICE Communications and Financial Markets
Compliance, NICE Actimize. The editors of this news
service are pleased to share these views with readers and invite
responses. The usual editorial disclaimers apply to comments from
outside contributors. Email
Across Europe and Asia, the term “suitability” seems to be as
popular as the tongue-in-cheek reference “Brexit”. With the
Financial Conduct Authority in the UK leading the charge,
regulators are consistently re-evaluating their expectations
surrounding suitability rules, and because of this continual
change, there has been uncertainty in the marketplace.
From 2017 to 2018, the FCA alone assessed 1,142 cases in 656
firms and said it was “disappointed” to find the advice sector
provided “unacceptable disclosure” in 41.7 per cent and
“uncertain disclosure” in 5.4 per cent of the reviewed cases.
Although feedback was provided to the evaluated firms, the UK
regulator is expecting greater progress from firms as they react
to the reviews. According to its more recent annual report, the
FCA plans to reassess the suitability of advice in 2019, with an
emphasis on customer disclosure.
It is not surprising, then, that suitability remains a serious
concern for wealth managers. In a recent research study,
benchmarking firm Compeer found that wealth managers still view
suitability compliance as a major issue. Forty-four per cent of
respondents reported increased compliance costs as a direct
result of carrying out ongoing suitability testing. Despite this,
one in four firms still handle suitability manually, while 76 per
cent use a combination of technology and manpower. On the
surface, this dynamic is difficult to explain. Firms are spending
more money on compliance and using technology to augment
compliance personnel – but they’re still not meeting the
expectations of regulators.
How should firms bridge the gap? The answer may lie in changing
how wealth managers approach supervision entirely. Sometimes it
is not simply what you do, but how you do it.
Wealth managers around the globe communicate with their clients
on a very personal level. The information gleaned from the
emails, chats and phone calls can be essential to developing a
proper investor profile and responding to the needs of individual
clients accordingly. But as telling as these communications are,
they are rarely analysed to the depth required to develop
accurate client risk profiles, to determine if information was
properly disclosed, and whether investors were adequately
educated on all available options. The surveillance technology
many firms have come to rely on simply isn’t up to the task.
In fact, according to PwC’s 2019 Surveillance Survey on Market
Abuse, most firms are not satisfied with their legacy eComms and
voice surveillance solutions. A key component of this
dissatisfaction is related to the extremely high number of false
positive alerts that these legacy systems generate, which in turn
eat up valuable compliance time and resources. The PwC Survey
further concludes that in Europe, fewer than 0.01 per cent of
alerts lead to reporting suspicious activities to the regulator
and it is worse globally with only 1 out of every 29,000 alerts
being valid.
These high false positive rates are a direct result of legacy
solutions which are lexicon based, inaccurate, and rely on manual
processes, such as random sampling of advisor communications.
Inaccurate analytics also make it difficult to detect context
(which can be complicated even further when multiple languages,
accents and specific financial terms come into play). Random
sampling is equally problematic. Considering that firms only
review between two and five per cent of communications, it’s a
given that risky communications will fall through the cracks. In
the world of wealth management, this can spell disaster.
By far one of the biggest challenges for compliance analysts is
piecing suitability alerts and related communications together.
Compliance analysts typically work in different siloed systems.
Without an automated way to analyse and bring all of the data
together, analysts seldom get clear visibility into the actions
and intentions of supervised employees.
For example, correlating communication data with alerts might
reveal serious compliance issues, such as conflicts of interest,
potential conduct and suitability risks, and lack of proper
disclosure. Correlating chat conversations and emails with a
related commission or a hybrid switching alert could reveal that
a communication was above board, or to the contrary, a sign of
something sinister.
If your firm is struggling with these surveillance and
suitability challenges, there is a better way. When integrated
appropriately into operations, advances in technology can reduce
false positives and compliance risk by:
-- Applying AI for more accurate detection;
-- Surveilling 100 per cent of communications; and,
-- Automatically marrying suitability alerts to relevant
advisor communications.
AI for more accurate detection
Whereas primitive lexicon searches only provide basic levels of
consumer protection, today’s advanced detection capabilities
harness the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Natural
Language Understanding (NLU) to analyse multi-channel
communications and unearth truly suspicious communications, while
reducing false positives and compliance risk.
Surveilling all communications
Modern surveillance technology also allows firms to review 100
per cent of communications, across all communication channels
that advisors use - including email, instant messaging, voice and
Communications can be also be assembled in the proper order so
it’s possible to know who communicated what to whom and when.
This gives firms complete confidence that advisors complied with
regulations around reverse solicitation and didn’t overstep local
Marrying suitability alerts with advisor
Beyond surveilling communications to proactively address
suitability concerns, wealth management firms also need to keep
an eye out for market abuse and intent to commit market abuse, in
order to comply with regulations like MiFID II. Being able to
holistically combine and leverage data and alerts is the next
frontier in this area. Holistic surveillance correlates trade
data with related voice and communications data, for deep insight
and analysis. With a holistic approach, compliance analysts can
quickly reconstruct all pre-trade, trade and post-trade activity
related to a specific transaction.
The bottom line to all these issues is simple. When firms are
only able to look at individual types of data in isolation, it’s
difficult to assess and understand the true sources of risk in
the organisation. So, what does the future hold for wealth
management firms as far as suitability and surveillance? The
answers won’t be found by applying more manpower to the problem,
but rather by applying the right technology to truly reduce risk
and improve operations. The regulators will undoubtedly look
favourably on any organisation which applies this approach to
their suitability oversight and supervision practices.