Fund Management
Helping Professional Fund Investors Build A Proven Track Record

This publication recently interviewed SharingAlpha, a business that takes the ranking of funds and assessment of their track records to a new level, and thereby helps buyers of funds to get a clearer idea of their own purchasing skills over time.
One of the big challenges for wealth managers seeking funds for
clients is knowing whether the fund managers’ own appraisals of
how well they do match objective measures of performance. Funds’
managers want to know that the information that wealth managers
have about them is accurate. And crucially, they want to know
that their assessments of funds hold up over time. The
“beauty parade” process through which funds vie for buyers’
attention can all too often favour the largest brands with the
savviest marketing teams. Firms with strong investment track
records and interesting stories to tell can slip through the
One firm that aims to rise to this challenge is SharingAlpha. The
business, whose founders are based in Israel, went live five
years ago. WealthBriefing recently interviewed Oren
Kaplan, co-founder and CEO. (The other co-founder is Yuval
Please explain in the broadest sense what the problem is
that SharingAlpha is designed to solve?
SharingAlpha is a user-generated fund ratings platform. Hence,
SharingAlpha rates funds based on the average rating provided by
professional fund buyers from all around the globe. Currently, no
single research team can cover the wide range of funds available,
thus typically focusing their efforts on a very limited number of
funds, those with an excellent track record that have become
blockbuster or “mega funds.”
Consequently, over 95 per cent of the funds lack independent
qualitative analysis and don't receive significant flows. Using
the power of the internet we are able to scale and offer
forward-looking ratings on funds from our community of
professional fund investors, to share insight, to share
We offer professional fund investors and analysts the opportunity
of building a proven track record of their fund selection
Until now, only fund managers of listed funds had the possibility
of generating a public track record. Now, for the first time,
those fund specialists that select fund managers also have an
opportunity of standing out among their peers. This, in turn,
will enable them to be rewarded according to their proven track
record. In addition, we offer two further ranking
mechanisms. One is based on the performance of virtual fund of
funds created on the platform by our members. The other ranking
mechanism is based on the value of members’ commentary, as voted
by their fellow community members.
These additional rankings, together, with specific country
rankings, offer our members excellent opportunities to exhibit
their talent and receive recognition. Obviously, the longer the
track record, the more significant it becomes, hence,
professional fund investors are incentivised to start building
their track record without delay.
Finally, SharingAlpha’s model isn't based on charging fund
managers for appearing on our platform. We offer the same chances
to all fund managers be they large international firms or small
local boutiques.
Furthermore, we empower buyers to take control of the
distribution process by deciding which fund managers they want to
hear from; this produces better targeted leads through a process
that is entirely independent from our fund rating
When was Sharing Alpha formed, and where is it
principally located? How many people work in it? Can you give me
an idea of the number and type of clients
SharingAlpha went live just over five years ago and both of the
co-founders are based in Israel, together with many other fintech
companies. We are a small team since all we do is digital based.
However, if you look at our company profile on LinkedIn you'll
see that we actually have a large number of employees since some
of the fund analysts that are contributing to our platform have
added that to their CVs. We currently have more than 13,000
professional fund buyers, which makes us the world's large
community for this rather niche but important profession.
Please go into a bit more detail about the idea of how
people can use the firm to evaluate how well or not fund
allocators actually do their job
User’s fund selection ranking is determined by their ability to
assess the future performance of the funds relative to the
comparable ETF of the fund.
In case the rater expects the fund to outperform the ETF then the
overall rating that they should assign to the fund will be over
3. It will be closer to 5 in the case where they have a strong
conviction. Hence, a rating of between 1 and 3 is given to funds
that are expected to generate negative alpha and a rating of
between 3 and 5 is given to funds that are expected to generate
positive alpha.
We regularly compare the ratings with the actual performance of
the fund versus the ETF. The closer the prediction is with the
actual reality the higher the score they get for this
rating. We call this the Hit Score. We compare the overall
average Hit Score of all the funds rated by the user and compare
it with the other users on SharingAlpha and then split this into
four ranking groups:
Alpha Ranking Percentile
Triple Alpha Top
Double Alpha 10% - 25%
Single Alpha 25% -
No Alpha
Below 50%
Are you seeing tangible differences being made in how
fund allocators act once someone has used the system to evaluate
them? Do you think fund allocators benefit? Is there any
We see a ×4 growth in traction amongst fund allocators once they
achieve a high ranking. Many of them share their achievement on
LinkedIn, Twitter, their email signature, etc. which helps us to
grow awareness of our unique platform.
The fact that our members determine which funds will be rated,
and obviously how they will be rated, solves many issues
surrounding potential conflict of interest that are present in
the traditional rating industry. It also offers professional
fund buyers a way to improve their career prospects and to
complement their fund research activities by leveraging on
insights gathered from a large group of specialists.
What effect has the SharingAlpha approach had on funds
that are highly ranked? Are you seeing more investment flows to
funds that were unjustly ignored in the past? Without necessarily
naming names, are there stories of funds that have really
benefited from this process?
SharingAlpha gathers rating from professional fund buyers and
presents the average rating the different funds receive. The
raters are asked to rate the funds based on their expectations in
terms of the fund's chances of outperforming in the future.
SharingAlpha only takes into account ratings from users that they
can identify as professional fund buyers. A fund rating of above
3 implies that raters expect the fund to create alpha in the
future. Funds with an average rating of above 4, based on at
least 10 professional raters, are entitled to present the “Highly
Rated Fund” SharingAlpha rating logo.
The fact that a number of large fund providers (for example,
M&G) have begun exhibiting the SharingAlpha rating logos on
their marketing materials is a strong sign that the market is
open to change. Since our rating methodology is based on the
future expectation of professionals rather than past performance,
then amongst our highly rated funds you can find newer and
smaller funds as well which makes it super special and vital for
fund managers that are looking to grow their AuM. As a matter of
fact, the vast majority of funds out there are managing less than
$100 million and that's not because they necessarily have a
smaller chance of generating alpha in the future but rather,
since the industry still uses traditional methodology based on
past performance, that has not proven to work. We offer an
What asset classes fall under your orbit? All asset
classes including more alternative funds? Are there parts of the
world’s funds market that you don’t or cannot cover for any
A big issue remains one of fees, transparency and clear
performance attribution. In a world where a decade of rising
equities made it quite easy for beta-trackers, how big a
challenge remains for wealth managers to know whether they get
what they pay for?
That is a difficult challenge since there are thousands of funds
to choose from. Without a platform that offers the possibility to
share insights, it is impossible to cover all the relevant
options and to conduct proper due diligence on an ongoing
Would you say that conflicts of interest in how funds are
chosen for clients have reduced, or have they mutated into
different forms? Are there issues that make you particularly
concerned where SharingAlpha might make a
The shift from the kick-back model to a more open architecture
model is obviously positive. However, most allocators still use
historical performance to pick funds which results in mediocre
results for investors. SharingAlpha offers a tool that can allow
allocators to justify their decisions using a different rating
What can we expect to see down the line from Sharing
Alpha in terms of services, etc?
We still have many ideas we would like to roll out. For example,
leveraging on our growing community and technology to assist
funds to raise the initial seed money from a group of
professional investors rather than the current situation where
they're normally dependent on one single large investor.
Who are your main clients? What sort of firms and
organisations in the wealth management space use you (family
offices, discretionary wealth managers, private banks,
The common denominator of all our members is that they all
analyse funds or managers on behalf of others. They can be
analysts working for sovereign funds, pension funds, endowment
funds, consultants, other rating agencies, family offices, fund
selection team members, wealth managers or financial
It has taken you a few years to reach the point of having
a successful, profitable business. Getting this far has been a
big effort. What kept you going and what drives you and your
We really enjoyed the journey. I don't think I could have kept
the energy to go through this long rollercoaster ride without the
right co-founder, support from my wife and the dream of creating
something new that people will appreciate.
If you were not involved in this business, what else
would you be doing?
I'm attracted to building new ventures so I guess I would have
been involved in some different idea and helped it go from 0 to
1. I'm less passionate, and therefore, less experienced in taking
companies from 1 to 100. After working for large corporates at
the early stages of my career and now experiencing working on my
own idea, I'm quite sure that this current work environment fits
me best.