Green Pilot for Coutts Philanthropy Clients

UK private bank Coutts & Co has launched a pilot scheme for philanthropists interested in the environment. Coutts clients will have access to information on organisations in the environmental sector to help them decide how to maximise the impact of their giving. They will also be given access to the Coutts Environment Donor Advised Fund, which gives clients the opportunity to pool funds in order to increase the impact of their donations.
This follows the launch of the Coutts Microfinance Advisory Service and Coutts Microfinance Donor Advised fund.
In addition to receiving assistance from philanthropy specialists
on creating a giving strategy, clients can draw on the expertise
of an independent Environment Advisory Panel. Clients will also
have access to written reports on the environment and environment
charities that the panel has helped prepare.
The Donor Advised Fund is not an investment scheme, but a
collection of irrevocable donations administered by the Charities
Aid Foundation and intended for distribution, in entirety and at
the direction of the donors, to organisations with charitable
purposes. Donors will contribute a minimum donation of
£10,000 (around $18,000) and will benefit from collaborating with
other philanthropists in pooling funds and directing donations to
make an even bigger impact.