EXCLUSIVE GUEST COMMENT: Reflections On What It Takes To Achieve Real Change

In this article, JP Morgan Private Bank passes on lessons learned in philanthropy.
Philanthropy has become an integral component of a private bank or wealth manager’s proposition, especially in light of research that shows high net worth individuals are increasingly aligning their investments, business activities and lifestyle with their philanthropic goals, through for example impact investing and collaborative philanthropy.
In this article, Rebecca Eastmond, head of philanthropic services, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Sheryl Fofaria, vice president, philanthropy, at JP Morgan Private Bank discuss the top 10 lessons they have learnt about philanthropy from recent conversations with clients and philanthropists.
“If we direct all our human creativity to solving problems, step
by step we can solve all the problems of the world.” Nobel Peace
Laureate, Professor Muhammad Yunus.
Professor Yunus’ claim is inspiring but also daunting. What does
it really take to solve a problem? What are the hurdles? Where
are the opportunities? Is there a sweet spot for philanthropy?
Discussing philanthropy is an important part of the work we do
and we recognise the need to discuss this on larger scale. At a
recent J.P. Morgan client event we brought together a number of
the most experienced and effective philanthropists and investors
in our network for their thoughts and advice.
Lesson 1: Begin with an end in mind. Have a vision and
make it a bold one
Do you want to clean the Baltic Sea? Transform literacy rates in
Liberia? Provide ways for every severely-troubled family to
rebuild a life of purpose? You must keep hold of that golden
vision as it will ensure that the highs and lows don’t throw you
off-course. It will keep you going when things get difficult and
will give you a yardstick to measure your progress against.
Lesson 2: Focus comes from passion and often,
surprisingly, anger
What makes you angry? What do you care most about? What do you
want to change? What do you want to protect? You will begin to
get more out of your giving as you continue learn, and as you
learn more, your passion and focus will grow too.
Lesson 3: Stay humble and listen
It’s crucial to remind yourself to leave egos at the door when
making philanthropic investments. Philanthropy is a game of
humility and there is a great importance in listening and
trusting other.
Lesson 4: Get out and speak to people
Speak to people and listen to them, trust them to tell you how
they feel, where you’re failing and what is missing. Give agency
to your beneficiaries and, at all costs, avoid becoming an
over-demanding donor who doesn’t understand the realities on the
Lesson 5: Don't expect it to be easy
It is vital to keep your optimism in times of difficulty and you
must understand that philanthropy is not an easy process. You may
feel that you take one step backwards for every two steps forward
– but always dig in, keep hold of your passion and persistence –
and you’ll get there in the end.
Lesson 6: Use every tool in your toolkit
You will be devoting more than just money to the causes you truly
care about. The very nature and complexity of the issues that
philanthropists seek to address mean that they cannot simply be
fixed with grant money alone. You must explore personal
connections and harness technology to ultimately build programmes
that can engage governments from the very beginning and scale up
Lesson 7: Be honest with yourself and others and
replicate success
There are two particularly pernicious biases in philanthropy
which combine to encourage the replication of failure. The first
bias is that, if something is going well, we don’t fund it. We
assume that the non-profit organisation running the programme has
everything it needs and doesn’t need us, so we look around for
untested alternatives where we can feel special because we are
funding something “new”. The second is that when we make a gift
or investment that fails, we bury the results. The charity we are
working with also buries the results. We all move on and try
something else.
It requires intellectual courage to face up to our own failures
as well as to recognise that other people may have already found
the answer that we should understand, support, scale up and
perhaps improve upon.
Lesson 8: Build coalitions
You will need to think early on about who you need to take with
you to solve the problems that you care about. It is better to
get buy-in at the ideas stage, understand what a “win” looks like
for your potential partners and take them with you from the
beginning. Make sure they have skin in the game too. When you
have navigated mistakes in partnership with others and jointly
achieved small-scale success together, you will be far more
likely to be able to replicate and scale up in partnership
Lesson 9: Remeber the planet
Whatever you do, in your philanthropy, in your business, in your
private life, the critical importance of the environment is a
cross-cutting theme that underpins it all. This is a reminder to
make sure that environmental considerations make it into every
decision and, in particular, to ensure that your philanthropy
doesn’t inadvertently cause harm.
Lesson 10: If you're not having fun, stop and start
Philanthropy is exhilarating. Sometimes it’s frustrating,
sometimes things move slowly, but fundamentally, philanthropy is
always fun. It gives you the chance to learn about issues that
you care deeply about, to meet amazing people who are trying to
move the world in a positive direction and to connect with real
people whose lives you really can improve.
If you aren’t enjoying your philanthropy, something has gone
wrong and it needs a reboot.
There is no one recipe for philanthropy and no one will be able
to provide all the answers. The key to philanthropy is really to
get stuck in and do something.
As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “Do your little bit of good
where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that
overwhelm the world.” We can’t give you better advice than that.