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ETF Securities Launches Global Dividend Product

ETF Securities has launched a global dividend exchange-traded fund, listed on the London Stock Exchange, aiming to provide a diversified offering for investors looking for global high yield equity exposure in which dividend income is automatically re-invested.
The fund aims to provide exposure to the performance of what in the firm's view constitute the 100 “leading” dividend-paying companies worldwide, across ten sectors and up to 25 countries. The fund tracks the Dow Jones Global Select Dividend Index.
Requirements for constituents of the Dow Jones Global Select Dividend Index are: a non-negative historical five-year dividend-per-share growth rate; a five-year dividend to earnings-per-share ratio of less than or equal to 60 per cent for companies in the US and Europe, and 80 per cent for all other countries; and a minimum three-month daily average trading volume of $3 million.
As at end-February 2011, ETF Securities' assets under management totalled $26.9 billion.