News, Comment & Analysis results for Gartmore

People Moves
7 August 2007

UK Wealth Manager Taps Gartmore for Strategic Marketeer


People Moves
23 November 2006

UK Wealth Manager Appoints Former Coutts, Gartmore Chief Executive as Chairman

UK wealth management and financial planning company JS&P Towry Law has appointed former Gartmore...

People Moves
6 September 2006

MLIM Taps Gartmore for Consultant Relationship Manager

Merrill Lynch Investment Managers is expanding its Global Consultant Relations team in London, with...

People Moves
2 August 2006

Fidelity Builds Multi-Manager Business

Fidelity International, the UK-based mutual fund manager, has appointed Phil Morse as business...

M and A
26 May 2006

Management Buy Gartmore

London-based asset-manager, Gartmore Investment Management, is being sold to management by its...

Market Research
10 May 2006

UK’s Ultra Wealthy Leading Charge Into the Far East

The UK’s wealthiest investors are leading the charge into China and the Far East, pouring...

Fund Management
30 January 2006

Interest in UK Asset Manager Cools as Buyers Re-Assess Market

Initial interest in the sale the UK arm of Gartmore, the fund management group owned by Nationwide...

M and A
3 January 2006

UK Fund Manager Moves Closer to Being Bought by Rival

Gartmore, one of the UK’s biggest asset managers with a major hedge fund business, is likely to...

Alt Investments
31 October 2005

Garmore Managers Warn on Hedge Fund Return

October will be the worst month in its history for hedge funds, according to Roger Guy and...

People Moves
13 October 2005

Ex-Coutts Boss Takes New Role as Hedge Fund Head

Glyn Jones, the former chief executive of Coutts and Gartmore Investment Management, has been...

Comment & Analysis results for Gartmore